5 Tips For A Good Night's Sleep

What can you do to have the pleasure of falling asleep early and enjoying a sound sleep once again?

According to expert’s researches; there’s a term called "sleep hygiene". What comes to your mind on that? There are some of recognized behaviors that do not resolve sleep issues overnight, but can still make a contribution to a healthy and sound sleep: Sleep researchers in one of their findings have discovered that the best sleep temperature is round 18 degree Celsius.

 The best way to fall asleep easily is when you are comfortable in your bedroom, without being disturbed by any form of disturbances as much as possible. What applies to children also applies to adults: A regulated, ritualized sleep pattern is important for a very good night's sleep.

 Here are few tips to help you obtain and maintain a healthy night's rest.

Stick to a sleep schedule:

Regular sleep times are one of the crucial ways of having healthy sleep. Sleep researchers advise adhering to a normal sleep pattern.

Humans are habitual creatures - and that applies to the proper sleep pattern equally. Regular sleep times is one of the integral parts of the routine for a healthy sleep. Irregularities, such as those caused by shift works or jet lag, can occasionally have a serious effect on sleep. And it also applies if you are a kind of person that oftenly sleeps at irregular times.

Only go to bed when you feel sleepy: You already know the amount of sleep you need to be well relaxed. And you equally know when you need to wake up. So subtract the duration of sleep - and you'll know when to lay your head. Regardless of your preceding estimate of how much sleep you need, it is really worth finding out the duration of your sleep. Delay the length of time you sleep for 30 minutes or an hour in case you aren't feeling sleepy by the time you intend to lay your head. By so doing, you’re one step closer to achieving your goal of having a sound and healthy sleep.

 If you have trouble with sleeping at night, avoid taking a nap.

If you are having difficulty with seeping at night, it is advisable to avoid taking afternoon nap or an evening nap in front of the tv. This advice applies to extreme sleep disorders. The afternoon nap prevents your body from adjusting to a moderate sleep pattern. Keep the circle unbroken and repeat the process. A regular sleep pattern is an important factor required for restful and sound sleep.

Don’t eat a heavy meal right before bedtime

Good sleep needs to be prepared. If you want to enjoy your sleep, you should consume the right thing latest by the afternoon .

You will Surely be disturbing your night's sleep, with an heavy meal intake few minutes before going to bed.

 Easily digestible food should be on your table in the evening. going to bed after a heavy meal is a common trait in many parts of the world.

According to some experts researchers findings, eating makes you tired - because the body requires energy for digestion. This energy is not available for activities, just digestion.

For you not to burden your sleep unnecessarily, it is advisable to consume a light meal in the evening. you should have an interval of not less than 3 hours between your last meal and the time you go to bed.

Light meal promotes good sleep.

Lean meat, low-fat milk, and not too hot spices are recommended for a light dinner. Avoid flatulence prone foods such as fresh wholemeal bread or legumes in the evening. White bread, pasta, potatoes or fruit are better suited. Dairy products contain the sleep-promoting tryptophan, as well as dates and fish. Vitamin B 6; a vitamin that is found in bananas and many leaf salads also promotes sleep. 

Don't take caffeine once its past 4 0’clock

If you are having difficulty with sleeping, you should avoid taking stimulating drinks like: Cola, Coffee or energy drinks relatively late at night. Caffeine and guarana, are constituent of most energy drinks, and they only break down very slowly in the body. Therefore, you should desist from taking such drinks at least 4 hours before going to bed. mind you; black and green tea also contain caffeine.

Put your phone away

Do you want to recheck your smartphone before going to sleep? It's quite normal for many people. Why this habit robs us of sleep and how you can get the cell phone out of the bedroom.

Before falling asleep, watching a movie on the laptop or briefly reading the news on the smartphone is normal for many people. The problem: The brightly lit screens make us sleepless. Read here when it is better to put away the cell phone and which measures promote sleep.

The light from electronic devices such as tablets and smartphones mess up our bodies. Because, like daylight, it consists mainly of blue light.

The hormone melatonin is produced in our brain's pineal gland and controls our sleep rhythm. If light falls on the eye's retina during the day, the release of melatonin is stopped, and we feel awake.

It is similar to our smartphone: even if we are not consciously aware of the blue light, it affects our pineal gland and deprives us of sleep. If this is followed by an exciting video or an important message, the release of the stress hormone cortisol is promoted, and tiredness is gone for good.

The experts warned that digital stress could also disturb sleep. They, therefore, recommend putting your smartphone aside a few hours before going to bed and consciously going offline. Regular smartphone breaks of several hours or days are also helpful. In addition to digital relaxation, they can help create a “new media awareness” and consciously visualize and permanently reduce their smartphone use.

Some manufacturers of electronic devices also offer so-called blue light filters or a special night mode in which blue light components are no longer emitted from the screen. Even conventional glasses can be equipped with an additional blue filter for little money. A special coating on the glasses is supposed to prevent the eye from seeing the blue light. However, for the filters to have an effect, the glasses should be worn all day if possible.

Apart from not using the smartphone in the bedroom, once it is evening, take hold of books more often instead of the cell phone.

Making your bedroom comfortable

You should make your bedroom the coziest part of your house - after all, you spend a third of the day in it! These are some advice on how you can go about setting up your bedroom in a way to afford you more comfort.

Most of the time, we usually spend about one third of the day at work. Also, you spend one third of the day on work, shopping, meeting friends, chit-chatting, etc. lastly We spend the final third in the bedroom.

It is, therefore, the most essential room in our home. Here we replenish our energy reserves. Here we dream. Here we have the most intimate conversations with our partners.

All very good reasons why we should consciously furnish the bedroom for the needed comfort! This is where the oasis of happiness should be created, a refuge from all stress. A small, peaceful world in itself.

Make your bedroom more comfortable with colourful images

Colourful images on bare walls make every room look more harmonious and invite you to linger. The rule applies if you want to get cozy: the thicker the frame, the better! If it fits into the interior, you can decide to use warm materials. Picture frames carved from wood or frames wrapped in fabric are known for radiating comfort.

You can alternatively make a photo wall if you don't like picture frames. To do this, hang (or glue) the selected photos very close to each other so that they appear to be wallpaper. Voilà, the bedroom exudes personality - and the images may inspire the most beautiful dreams.

Make your bedroom more comfortable with cuddly blankets and pillows

There are some things in life that you can't get enough of. In addition to chocolate, this also includes blankets! They are fluffy, pliable, plump - an absolute must-have for a cozy bedroom.

And where should you put the colorful blankets? it’s absolutely wherever you want! On wide window sills, chairs, armchairs, on free shelves, on the bed itself: there are no limits to your imagination!

By the way: pillows also serve this purpose. Covers made of wool, cotton or fleece visually generate warmth (silk and linen have a cooling effect).

Add CBD to your night routine

People who do not have a sound sleep will sooner or later suffer from their sleep disorders. Daytime sleepiness, poor concentration, increased pain and not infrequently even depression can develop due to prolonged lack of sleep.

There is no cause for alarm! If you only occasionally cannot sleep at night, you may be a little tired and exhausted the following day, but you will not have any health effects. However, the situation is very different when nighttime insomnia persists for weeks and months. Then this can have a serious impact on health and psyche. Many sufferers find little or no relief from such massive sleep problems through herbal supplements and have to resort to pharmaceutical medication. However, such sleeping pills are not infrequently associated with undesirable side effects and even addiction. This is exactly what makes the cannabidiol (CBD) obtained from the hemp plant so interesting.

The non-psychoactive (intoxicating) CBD works with receptors in the human nervous system and thus regulates many disorders that can lead to insomnia: This makes it advisable for you to add CBD to your night routine.

CBD can be taken in different forms. The most common use is CBD oil as drops or in CBD capsules. The drops are available in different concentrations, whereby it is advisable to start with a low dosage just to avoid possible side effects right from the start. If you do not enjoy the taste of oils, you can choose to take it in capsule form. However, it takes a little longer for the CBD to take effect, as the capsule first has to dissolve in the stomach in order to release the active substances. The substance is already absorbed by the oral mucosa when taking drops and thus gets into the blood faster.

Apart from helping you to fall asleep easily and having a deep sleep once again, CBD could go a long a way in solving the following problems:

Anxiety Disorders and Depression

CBD has a positive influence on the happiness hormone serotonin. This can alleviate the symptoms caused by mild depression and often also mild anxiety disorders. This really helps those affected in order to be able to fall asleep easily and sleep better again. 

Pain relief

CBD has the relaxing and pain-relieving properties which afford many patients the relief from chronic pain they need for a good night's sleep. People with headaches and back pain in particular feel real relief from taking CBD and also have fewer problems with pain-related muscle spasms.

Stress relief

CBD is said to alleviate the feeling of stress and the associated inner restlessness. This means that the body's own sleep hormone melatonin can increasingly ensure a natural sleep rhythm.

Before you resort to prescription medication to combat your sleep disorders, it will be intresting to try CBD-containing supplements. Since CBD has no intoxicating effect, and also, no addiction is to be expected. The side effects are only significant in a few exceptional cases, but the positive benefits can be of inestimable value for a night of healthy and restful sleep.